
Showing posts from December, 2017

Be You

   Welcome to the place . Somehow to another you've stumbled onto this blog, and we're meeting for the first time. Or maybe we've already met and you're reading this because you're a personal friend. Or maybe, we don't talk anymore but you wanted to see what I was up to. Under any circumstances, and whoever you are, I say welcome.      If  you  know me  personally  you know I'm goofy and sarcastic. You know I'm quiet and withdrawn. I'm an open book and hide darker secrets then you can imagine. I'm brutally honest, but often keep my opinion to myself. I love to run and then enjoy days where I don't move off  the  couch. Random, huh? I'm almost twenty-one... and if I've learned anything in the time I've been alive, is that life isn't usually how we plan. I'm a woman who's been through a lot and has the scars to prove it... but I'm a woman who's rising up and building a new life. One way I've been able to